Cngj Law
Monthly Archives

February 2021

What Do Entertainment Lawyers Do?

Becoming a lawyer requires obtaining a bachelor's degree, passing the LSAT (Law School Admission Test), attending law school, and passing the bar exam before finding employment as a lawyer. There are many subspecialties, such as family law,…

The Rules of Alimony and Taxes

Until 2019, the IRS allowed those paying alimony to be part of tax deductions and required it to be reported as income. However, for any divorce finalized on or after January 1st, 2019, the rules have become more stringent. Alimony is the…

How to choose a car accident attorney

Winning a case in court is one of the most challenging things to do. However, if you choose a good lawyer, you can be assured you have a higher chance of winning the case than doing it yourself. Here is how you can choose a good lawyer to…

Banishing Your Fears About Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy law is complicated. That is why people believe that the common myths about it. There are several reasons that you do not need to be afraid to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Doesn't Permanently Ruin Your Credit Many people are…